Tuesday, October 13, 2009


If anyone reads this post, I will feel amazed. Yes, I have officially been MIA for over one month...but I promise, this time it's not my fault! The lovely censored internet over on the East Side (of the world) has decided to wield its power once again, and block all of my favorite internet hot-spots. You've got it: blogger, facebook, youtube, and anything that would allow a person to stay connected with the world. Good news is...they have yet to block e-mail (whether or not that is actually good news I have yet to determine...but we're looking to stay positive here). SO, your question is...HOW ARE YOU ON THE INTERNET?! Well, dear loyal follower...I stole my roommate's computer, and she decided to invest in a wonderful VPN. For those of you that know me well, you know that I'm too cheap to shell out the monthly fee for a VPN. So, for now, using a stolen computer will work just fine. (Thanks, Pip).

SO, on that note, HELLO! Since it has been over a month (and a big month it has been), I'm going to give you the drive-by shooting of a life-update. I would add pictures, but since this is not my computer...I have no pictures to add. I think Lindsay Fendler tagged some pictures of me on facebook from her trip over the big pond, so you can check those out. Also, if I haven't responded to anything you've sent me on facebook, it's not because I don't like you...its just because I can't. Sorry. But, please do send me an e-mail! (katelynnrae@gmail.com).

SO, quick life update:
--STUDY: well, same old, same old. I'm still taking daily classes, and despite my best efforts, I still can't give up a social life for study habits. So, my Chinese is improving more slowly than it should be...but I'm enjoying myself thoroughly! I also feel that three hours a day of Chinese lessons is not a bad start; I just need to get in gear and put in the work outside of class needed to actually improve my minimal language skills.
--WORK: I turned in my sweet job voice recording for a new tutoring gig (mostly, I only stopped voice recording because I was finished with everything). SO, if you ever happen to enroll in an online English tutoring program...my voice may guide you to a higher English speaking ability. However, my new tutoring job is pretty awesome; its for a little 8 year old girl (Angel) who grew up in Canada and is now living in China with her family, and her mom wants her to stay fluent in English. Considering their driver picks me up (no public transportation for this woman!), they feed me Pizza Hut and I get to spend an hour playing Hangman and chatting...I think I hit the jackpot.
--FUN: Lets be honest, this is the most interesting category anyway. Life has been good to me recently. At the end of September, I had a dear friend Lindsay come and visit me in Beijing! It was a joy to have her here and share in my life for awhile. I took some time off of class, and we got to hang around Beijing, see many of the big sights and also just hang out and enjoy the great company of all the Beijingren. It was a great dose of home, and we enjoyed living life China style.
Also, the beginning of October marks a big anniversary for the PRC: their 60th birthday. In celebration of the founding of the Republic (and, of course, the Moon Cake festival), the whole country was able to enjoy 6 consecutive days off. To take advantage of this freedom, Matt and I decided to take a little trip up to Qingdao, a beautiful ocean-side city known for its German roots and great beer. We were able to spend a few days visiting some friends, sight-seeing, enjoying the water, warm weather, and having no commitments. We did some touring around the city, meeting new friends and seeing old ones, and relaxing on the rooftop of our great little hostel. It was a wonderful break from smoggy Beijing, and the little push we needed to get us to Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas...I will be coming home to Minnesota! I anticipate being in Minnesota from about December 20th to January 15th or so. I'll spend some time in Worthington, but also some time in the Twin Cities. PLEASE let me know if you'll be around, so we can be friends again and share some time together.

OK, my studies are attempting to call my name...but until next time I steal Pips computer, blessings and I hope to hear from you via e-mail!

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