Sunday, July 12, 2009

Deja Vu

For some reason, some reason I can't quite put my finger on, I feel as though I've been here before...creating a blog, reflecting on life before I embark to Asia, informing friends and family of my life via an online journal. Here I am packing up my life, enduring painful and tearful goodbyes, and wondering if I have, yet again, gone insane (because one MUST be insane to leave a great life and move to a crazy foreign country). Wait a minute... oh yes, now I've got it. I indeed have been here before, and it wasn't long ago that I was going through the same motions.

For the many of you that have endured the adventure, excitement, trials and tribulations of my previous Asian blog, I am proudly announcing the Asian Adventure Blog, version 2.0.

Once again, I will try (hopefully semi-consistently) to keep in touch with you about life in a crazy little country we foreigners call China, giving you my slightly biased, occasionally jaded, and hopefully semi-entertaining version of living in an Asian country.

I must preface my entries with this: as you may know, the Blogger site doesn't always work in China. Something about internet censorship? I will try my best to update my site, but know that any quirks may potentially be blamed on a "poor internet connection" (or...well, you know).

Please, please, PLEASE keep in touch with me! Living in Asia isn't always easy, and I truly love each and every one of you so dearly, and look forward to keeping in touch regarding your lives as well. My e-mail address is still, Skype is katelynn.rae, and obviously I'm always on please, don't be a stranger.

Love you, and get back to you from Beijing!


  1. Katie....
    You can set it up to email your post to blogger when it is blocked....
    Sister in law does that.....


  2. you've arrived.
    i think that is enough of an event to post an update. go. run. do it now.


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